Owner |
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation |

Location |
4049-1 Naoshima-cho
Japan 761-31 |
Background |
- |
Website |
Naoshima Smelter and Refinery |
L-1 |
L-2 |
L-3 |
Coordinates* |
- |
34° 28' 23" N, 133° 58' 37" E |
34° 28' 21" N, 133° 58' 32" E |
Type of Plant |
Metallurgical |
Metallurgical |
Gas Source |
- |
Mitsubishi Continuous Smelting Process (to both plants)
Anode Furnace (to both plants)
Spent Acid Decomposer (to Plant No. 2) |
Gas Cleaning |
- |
Venturi Scrubber - No. 1 Gas Cooler - 1st Stage WESP - No. 2 Gas Cooler -
2nd Stage WESP |
Venturi Scrubber - Gas Cooler - 1st Stage WESP - 2nd Stage WESP |
Plant Capacity |
220 MTPD |
850 MTPD
1270 Nm3/min, 10% SO2 |
1000 MTPD
1670 Nm3/min, 10% SO2 |
SA |
4 SA |
SA |
Emissions |
- |
SO2: 3500 ppm |
SO2: 3300 ppm |
Status |
1988 Shutdown |
Operating |
Operating |
Year Built |
- |
1969 |
1974 |
Technology |
- |
Outotec (Lurgi) |
Outotec (Lurgi) |
Contractor |
- |
- |
- |
Remarks |
- |
- Originally double absorption but converted to single absorption with tail
gas scrubbing in 1986 after failure of one of the absorption towers.
- Oleum produced in Plant L-2 |
- Equipped with two stage drying towers. Primary produced lower
concentration acid when feed gas was low SO2
from the old reverberatory furnance which was shut down in 1991.
Presently, produces 50% acid which is sent to a neutralization gypsum plant.
- Acid coolers are PTFE Coils (1997) |
- Tail gas scrubber is a basic aluminum sulfate-gypsum process
2013 - Venturi scrubbers replaced with humidifying and washing towers
(Both L-2 and L-3)
2013 - 3AT blower changed from a fluid coupling to inverter control (VFD)
2013 - Drying tower replaced
2014 - Graphite.carbon shell and tube condensers for gas cooling replaced
with packed gas cooling tower (Both L-2 and L-3)
2015 - Production tank changed from bricklined SS to SX steel
20?? - PTFE acid coolers replaced with plate and frame HX |
Pictures |
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General |
1994 - April - Lead smelting and refining facility at Naoshima
closed. Mitsubishi Materials took over the Naoshima plant from
Mitsubishi Cominco Smelting Co. in October 1991. The plant processed
exclusively ore from the Pine Point Mine in Canada until April 1992, when
that mine's supply was exhausted. This forced the Naoshima lead-processing
facility to supplement its pyrometallurgical smelter with a tank-house
refinery to handle more varieties of ores from other mines. |
References |
Sakurai, F. and Yagishita, S., "Recent Improvements in the Acid Plant at
Naoshima Smelter", Sulfide Smelting 2002, pp. 133-141.
Yamaguchi, H., Morigami, W. and Zen, H., "Intentional Modification of
Acid Plants for Coping Successfully with Smelter Off-Gas at Naishima Smelter
& Refinery (NSR), Copper 2016, Kobe, Japan. |
News |
March 10, 2010
- Mitsubishi Materials Corp., Japan’s third-largest copper producer, may run
its two domestic smelters at full capacity in the next fiscal year, in
contrast to plans by two rivals to keep production cuts, an executive said.
“At the moment, that’s the plan,” Kenichi Watase, general manager in the
Tokyo-based company’s sales department, said in an interview today. Watase
declined to elaborate as the company expects to issue its output targets for
April to September early next month. The producer planned to make 300,000
metric tons in the year ending March 31. Prices of copper, used in pipes
and cables, more than doubled in the past year as the global economy
recovered from its worst postwar recession. BHP Billiton Ltd. and Freeport-
McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. won a 38 percent cut in 2010 processing fees from
smelters as raw material supplies tightened after China expanded capacity.
Pan Pacific Copper Co. and Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. have said they may keep
production cuts in the year from April 1 because of the lower fees.
Mitsubishi Materials operates the Onahama smelter, to the north of Tokyo,
with a capacity of 258,000 tons, and the Naoshima smelter, in western Japan,
with 225,000 tons. The company has a 50 percent stake in the Onahama
smelter. The company “is flexible on adjusting production based on the
market situation in coming months” given the reduced fees and uncertain
demand outlook at home and abroad, Watase said. “We don’t know whether a
recovery in demand from the auto sector will continue after subsidies end
later this year.”
“After domestic demand plunged last year to the lowest level since 1975,
we’ve seen a recovery in some sectors, including cars and semiconductors,
not from overall industries,” in recent months, Watase said. The Japanese
government has extended the subsidy program, which was set to expire at the
end of March, for six months through September. Electric, hybrid,
natural-gas, and some diesel vehicles qualify for an exemption from the
country’s weight and purchase taxes. Exports to China “will depend on
Chinese government policies and the price difference between the Shanghai
market and the London Metal Exchange,” Watase said. “In my personal view,
China’s demand growth would remain steady this year.”
Asked if Mitsubishi Materials saw any change in the market for sulfuric
acid, a byproduct for copper smelting, Watase said demand has recovered from
fertilizer makers and mining companies. “We’ve seen good demand for the
fertilizer sector in North America as the planting season for grain crops
starts soon,” Watase said. Sulfuric acid supplies have been tight since
early January as demand jumped after a recession slashed stockpiles held by
fertilizer makers and mining, he said. The value of sulfuric acid, used to
dissolve metal ore and produce fertilizer, has gone from worthless to
“crazy” this year, increasing costs for mining companies, according to
London-based researcher CRU Group said. Demand from fertilizer makers,
normally about half of world sulfuric acid consumption, has risen as higher
prices for their products prompted companies to rebuild stocks, Joanne
Peacock, an analyst at CRU, said March 8. |