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Sulphuric Acid - NEWS


Updated October 14, 2024




Fire at Freeport Indonesia’s Gresik smelter, no casualties, company says

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Fire at Freeport Indonesia’s Gresik smelter, no casualties, company says

October 14, 2024 - A fire has broken out on Monday in Freeport Indonesia’s Manyar smelter in Gresik, East Java province, a company spokesperson said, adding that fire fighters are currently trying to put the blaze out.  The $3.7 billion copper smelter was completed in June and was expected to produce first batch of output in September, however due to water and steam leakage during an initial test period, production will be delayed until November, Reuters reported last month.  “A fire broke out at the PTFI smelter sulfuric acid factory on Monday October 14 at 1745 (GMT+7),” Freeport Indonesia spokesperson Katri Krisnati said, adding that no casualties were reported.  The smelter has annual input capacity of 1.7 million metric tons of copper concentrate, which could produce around 900,000 tons of copper cathode, 50 tons of gold and 210 tons of silver a year.

Green light pending for sulphuric acid facility at Walvis Bay

October 3, 2024 - The Cooperative Bulk Handling Terminal (Pty) Ltd. (CBHT) has appointed A. Speiser Environmental Consultants (ASEC) to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the construction and operation of the sulphuric acid storage and handling facilities at the port of Walvis Bay and the transport of sulphuric acid to the Etango Mine, documents showed this week.  CBHT is a subsidiary of Bannerman Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd. and part of the Bannerman Energy Ltd. Group of Companies.  CBHT) was awarded an area within the port of Walvis Bay for its sulphuric acid storage and handling facility.  The company manages the logistical import and export of materials, including sulphuric acid, an essential reagent in the mining industry’s uranium (U3O8) extraction.  Sulphuric acid is required at Bannerman’s Etango Mine.  Documents showed that an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) needs to be granted by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the construction and operation of the sulphuric acid facilities at Walvis Bay Port and the basis of an approved application and associated Environmental Impact Assessment process.  The Ministry of Mines and Energy awarded Mining Licence 250 to the Etango Uranium Project on 14 December 2023.  CBHT said the sulphuric acid will either be sourced from a local Namibian supply or from abroad, either transported by rail within Namibia or shipped by vessels to the port, and decanted into the storage tanks in the harbour.  It will then be delivered to the mine by road trucks.  Documents showed that the facilities to be provided in the harbour include a storage capacity of 40 000 tonnes of 98% sulphuric acid in four tanks, related infrastructure for the transfer of acid into the storage tanks from shipping vessels or rail acid tankers, related infrastructure to transfer acid from the storage tanks to acid road tankers to transport the acid to the Etango Mine and related infrastructure for safe operation of all facilities.  The company said Bannerman’s metallurgical process will use sulphuric acid leaching to extract the uranium from the ore.  Early works on the construction of the Etango Mine began in January, with the major construction commencing in September.  It is anticipated that the mine will go into production in 2027.  The construction of the sulphuric acid storage and handling facilities in the port depends on an approved EIA (and ECC). The construction period is estimated to take 18 months and needs to be operational prior to the commissioning of the Etango Mine.

Freeport Indonesia to launch first production at Gresik copper smelter this week

August 26, 2024 - PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has announced plans to officially begin production at its Gresik copper smelter facility this week.  Tony Wenas, the President Director of PTFI, said that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will inaugurate the smelter’s first production.  “The smelter in Gresik is operational and ready for production. We hope the President can inaugurate it next week,” Tony said on Thursday, August 22, 2024.  However, Tony noted that the inauguration date is still tentative and depends on the president’s availability.  Tony reported that the investment in building the Manyar copper smelter reached US$3.7 billion (Rp58 trillion).  “This is one of the significant investments and adds to the portfolio for the Minister of Investment, showing the investment made by PTFI here,” Tony Wenas said on June 27, 2024.  The Manyar smelter is located within the Java Integrated Industrial Estate (JIIPE) Special Economic Zone in Gresik, East Java. Tony described constructing this smelter as a major challenge.  He noted that the Manyar smelter is the world’s largest single-line copper smelter, with a capacity to process up to 1.7 million tons of copper concentrate. This capacity will produce 650,000 tons of copper cathode.  Additionally, the Manyar smelter can produce by-products such as sulfuric acid, slag, gypsum, and lead.

Andritz starts up large eucalyptus pulp mill for Suzano in Brazil

August 12, 2024 - International technology group Andritz has successfully started up a new pulp mill for the Brazilian pulp producer Suzano in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo, Mato Grosso do Sul state.  When fully operational, it will be the world’s largest single- line  eucalyptus pulp mill with an annual production capacity of 2.55 million tons.  It will also be one of the few pulp mills in the world to run without fossil fuels, based on a raw material of 100% planted trees. It will be energy self-sufficient, producing surplus green power for its local suppliers and the national grid.  Andritz supplied a highly resource-efficient pulp mill with leading technologies for fiber production and chemical recovery on an EPCC basis (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Civil Works).  The scope of supply included a complete wood processing plant with five chipping lines, the world’s largest single-line fiberline (capacity over 8,000 adt/d) with unique washing and bleaching technology based on DD-Washers, an innovative pulp drying system with two energy-efficient pulp drying lines, an energy-efficient black liquor evaporation plant, a HERB recovery boiler to maximize steam production for power generation, a biomass power boiler based on the high-performance Andritz EcoFluid Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) technology, and a complete white liquor plant with recausticizing plant and two lime kilns.  To enhance the mill’s environmental performance, Andritz is also supplying gasification plants to enable fossil-free operation of the lime kilns and a SulfoLoop sulfuric acid plant to produce commercial grade sulfuric acid from the mill’s concentrated odorous gases and elemental sulfur. This will recycle sulfur from the waste streams and make the mill completely self-sufficient in sulfuric acid.

DMCC Speciality Chemicals commissions sulphuric acid plant of Andhra Sugars 

August 8, 2024 - DMCC Speciality Chemicals Limited has commissioned a 500 TPD sulphuric acid plant of The Andhra Sugar Ltd. at Saggonda, Andhra Pradesh.  The plant was successfully commissioned in March 2024 and GTR was conducted in May 2024 by DMCC Speciality Chemicals Ltd.  The project team of DMCC Speciality Chemicals Limited has completed 55+ sulphuric acid design, engin eering and/or turnkey projects, in addition to Single Superphosphate, Aluminum Sulphate, Sulphamic Acid, and other projects.  DMCC Speciality Chemicals Limited is one of the few companies globally that has operating as well as design experience in this area.

Veolia announces the sale of its sulfuric acid regeneration business in North America for $620 million

July 31, 2024 - Veolia announces that its subsidiary Veolia North America has signed an agreement for the divestment of Veolia North America Regeneration Services, which includes its sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid regeneration activities for refineries, to private equity firm American Industrial Partners for an enterprise value of USD 620 million. These activities represented revenues of around USD 350 million in 2023. The financial closure of the transaction is expected in the coming days.  “This disposal is in line with our policy of continuously reshaping our portfolio of assets in line with the strategic priorities of our GreenUp plan whilst maintaining a strict balance sheet discipline. The sulfuric acid regeneration business in the United States is not one of our key priorities and does not offer synergies with our core activities. Their disposal will enable us to create value and concentrate our investments on the ‘boosters’ of the GreenUp strategic plan,” said Estelle Brachlianoff, Veolia's Chief Executive Officer. 

OCP selects Worley Chemetics’ proprietary sulfuric acid technology 

July 17, 2024 - OCP S.A. has provided a notice of award to Worley Chemetics for its three greenfield sulfuric acid plants located at OCP’s Mzinda Phosphate Hub (MPH) in Morocco. The notice of award is subject to the signing of the contract.  Under the contract, Worley Chemetics will supply proprietary sulfuric acid technology and process and proprietary equipment and will also provide detailed engineering, procurement, and advisory site services. Worley Chemetics’ services will be delivered through its offices in Vancouver and specialised fabrication facility near Toronto, Canada. Worley categorises this contract as sustainable work in accordance with Worley’s definition of sustainability-related work.  Compared to alternative technologies, Worley Chemetics’ sulfuric acid technology produces increased electrical power which is CO2 emission-free and results in lower stack emissions. Air cooling will be used to conserve and reduce the plant water usage. Worley Chemetics’ proprietary CES-ALPHA™ System will be used to recover low-grade heat into steam for maximum heat recovery.  The OCP MPH project is a part of the OCP Green Investment programme. With this programme aligned with Morocco’s energy transition strategy, OCP aims to sustainably increase its fertilizer production annual capacity from 12 million t to 20 million t by 2027 using clean energy and non-conventional water.  “We are pleased to continue to support OCP with our proprietary sulfuric acid technology, consistent with our purpose of delivering a more sustainable world,” said Chris Ashton, Chief Executive Officer of Worley.

Western Australia Nickel to temporarily suspend operations

July 11, 2024 - BHP announces that the Nickel West operations and West Musgrave project (Western Australia Nickel) will be temporarily suspended from October 2024. BHP intends to review the decision to temporarily suspend Western Australia Nickel by February 2027.The decision to temporarily suspend Western Australia Nickel follows oversupply in the global nickel market. Forward consensus nickel prices over the next half of the decade have fallen sharply reflecting strong growth of alternative low-cost nickel supply.During the temporary suspension, BHP will continue to support its workforce and local communities. BHP will invest approximately US$300 million (AU$450 million) per annum following completion of a transition period to support a potential re-start of Western Australia Nickel.The transition period will commence from July 2024. Operations will be suspended in October 2024 and handover activities for temporary suspension will be completed by December 2024.During the temporary suspension, BHP will:

Since FY2020 BHP has invested approximately US$3 billion (AU$4.4 billion) to sustain Western Australia Nickel as an ongoing business and to reorient its production to the battery and electric vehicle market. This includes establishing Australia’s first nickel sulphate plant to enhance downstream infrastructure, building two new mines and investing in the development of two solar farms and battery storage. Western Australia Nickel has recorded negative cash flow every year during this period.Despite the significant capital investments, lower global nickel prices have contributed to Western Australia Nickel expecting to report an underlying EBITDA loss of approximately US$300 million in the financial year to 30 June 2024.
1In February 2024, BHP announced plans to review Western Australia Nickel and a non-cash impairment charge of approximately US$3.5 billion (AU$5.1 billion) pre-tax against the carrying value of Western Australia Nickel. As a result of the decision to temporarily suspend operations, BHP expects to recognise a further non-cash impairment charge of US$0.3 billion (AU$0.45 billion) pre-tax as an exceptional item in the Group’s FY2024 Financial Statements.Any redundancy payments and other contractual costs triggered by the decision to place Western Australia Nickel into temporary suspension would be recognised in the Group’s HY2025 Financial Statements.BHP’s President Australia, Geraldine Slattery said:“We understand this is a challenging period for the Western Australia Nickel team and surrounding communities. Every frontline employee will be offered another role within BHP, and best endeavours will also be made to identify redeployment opportunities for other employees engaged in the day-to-day operations of Western Australia Nickel.We will also work closely with local communities, Traditional Owners and suppliers to support a responsible transition process, which will include the establishment of a AU$20 million Community Fund.Since BHP announced a review of Western Australia Nickel in February, we have explored options to stem losses in the short-term and identify a viable path forward for the business.Like others in the Australian nickel sector, we have not been able to overcome the substantial economic challenges driven by a global oversupply of nickel.We have made the difficult but necessary decision to temporarily suspend the Nickel West operation and West Musgrave project.We will continue to invest approximately AU$450 million (US$300 million) per annum in the Western Australia Nickel facilities to enable a potential re-start. Western Australia remains an important investment destination for BHP globally, with investment in the State expected to be greater than AU$12 billion over the next five years and we will continue to work with all of our Western Australian partners to advance the economic prosperity of the State.”

Sulphuric acid unit at Rashakai to become operational soon

July 2, 2024 - M/S Al-Chemist Private Limited, a sulphuric Acid Manufacturing unit at Rashakai Special Economic Zone is likely to become operational and start production soon.  The unit has been established with the investment of Rs.425 million.  According to official sources in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Economic Zones Development and Management Company (KP-EZDMC), fourteen trucks consisting of 22 wheelers and rest, from Uzbekistan, en route to Afghanistan, have arrived at the project site and unloaded at the unit.  This pioneering enterprise is nearing completion and is expected to commence commercial production soon. Rashakai SEZ is poised to revitalize industrial activities in the province and the country, further strengthening the bond between Pakistan and China.  The company says that this operational excellence would not have been possible without the support from the office of KP SACM Abdul Karim Khan Tordher, the provincial and federal governments – the later being represented by Board of Investment.

Kazakhstan Signs $1.5 Billion Agreement for Copper Smelter Project

June 15, 2024 - The Republic of Kazakhstan Government has entered into an agreement with China Nonferrous Metal Mining to construct a copper smelter at a cost of $1.5 billion.To be built near Aktogay village in the Abay region, this smelter is expected to have an annual copper production capacity of 300,000 tons.The agreement was signed between KAZ Minerals Smelting and NFC, with the latter providing design services and procurement of process equipment. NFC Kazakhstan will serve as the construction and commissioning contractor.The copper concentrate for the smelter will be sourced from Vostoktsvetmet’s Bozshakol and Aktogay mining and processing operations.Once completed, the new smelter will meet domestic market demands for copper cathode and other copper-containing materials.In addition to copper, the plant is designed to produce refined gold, silver, and sulphuric acid.The signing ceremony was attended by Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov.Bektenov stated: “The Head of State has set the task of sustainable economic growth. The construction of the new copper smelter is a major industrial project that will increase the processing of copper raw materials mined in the country and will make a great contribution to the economy of our country. The copper industry is one of the priority sectors of our industry, and its dynamic development is very important for us.”

Copper Smelter To Be Built In Eastern Kazakhstan

June 3, 2024 - A copper smelting plant with a capacity of 300,000 tons of copper per year is to be built in Kazakhstan’s eastern Abay region, according to a government. An agreement for the plant’s construction has bee signed by KAZ Minerals Smelting LLP, the customer, and China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd. (NFC), a design services supplier and process equipment procurement company. NFC Kazakhstan LLP will also be involved as a construction and commissioning work contractor.  The plant will be built near the village of Aktogay. The raw materials will be the copper concentrate from Vostoktsvetmet LLP’s Bozshakol and Aktogay mining and processing plants.  “Following the plant’s construction, a cluster will be created, combining one of the world’s largest copper mines and modern copper smelting production. With a preliminary cost of $1.5 billion, the project will create more than 1,000 new jobs. It is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2028,” the press release says.  The high-tech enterprise for producing high-value-added products will be the largest in the country. The applied technologies in copper smelting production meet world environmental standards.  The enterprise will provide the internal market needs for processing copper-containing raw materials and copper cathode.“It should be noted that cathode copper is widely used in the electric power industry, machine building, and other industrial sectors. In addition, the new plant plans to produce refined gold, silver, and sulfuric acid,” the release added.

The Largest in the World, The Freeport Copper Smelter is Ready to Operate in June 2024


May 28, 2024 - President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Tony Wenas confirmed that PTFI’s new copper smelter in the Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) area, Gresik, East Java will be ready to operate in June 2024.  Tony confirmed this after visiting the PTFI smelter project in Gresik on Saturday, May 25, 2024.  Tony said that the PTFI smelter in Gresik is currently carrying out a commissioning process, namely testing, trials, trials, to ensure that the equipment and systems designed, installed and operated are suitable to substantially complete the smelter project.  “It is hoped that it will be operational in June,” said Tony in his statement quoted Monday, May 27 2024.  Tony explained that the construction of the smelter was the company’s commitment to increase the added value of minerals and support the industrial downstream policy launched by the government. PTFI’s second smelter project, which was built in October 2021, is designed to be able to refine copper concentrate with a copper concentrate smelting capacity of 1.7 million tons per year, which makes this smelter the largest designed copper refining site in the world.  This smelter is equipped with a precious metal refining unit, oxygen unit, sulfuric acid unit and desalination unit, as well as an effluent and waste water treatment plant unit to support maximum utilization of raw materials, by-products and waste in order to achieve high efficiency smelting and refining processes.  Currently, 60% of PTFI’s concentrate production is exported and the remaining 40% is refined domestically through PT Smelting in Gresik, East Java to become copper cathode. However, the anode mud containing gold and silver is still exported. Later, when this second smelter operates, 100% anode sludge purification will be carried out domestically.  “Of course there are many challenges in completing the single-line copper smelter with the largest design in the world. However, the smelter project team, contractors and sub-contractors have done a good job. Likewise, support from the central and regional governments for PTFI to be able to complete this project on time time,” said Tony. 

Jacobs Awarded Contract for Sulfuric Acid Regeneration Plant


May 4, 2024 - Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. announced today it was awarded a contract by Jiangsu Sailboat Petrochemical Co., Ltd. for the design of a sulfuric acid regeneration plant in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China.  Officials did not disclose the contract value.  Under the terms of the contract, Jacobs is providing the process design package, detailed design for critical equipment, design and supply of Jacobs' proprietary Chemetics® equipment, as well as technical advisory services for construction and commissioning of the plant. The regeneration plant is expected to treat spent acid from a new Methylmethacrylate (MMA) and Acrylonitrile (AN) production facility, and is the first regeneration plant in mainland China to use a combination of Jacobs' proprietary SAR (Sulfuric Acid Regeneration) and SAC (Sulfuric Acid Concentration) technologies in an effort to reduce overall energy requirements for the facility.  Jacobs Group Vice President Andy Kremer stated, "We are pleased that our proprietary SAC and SAR technologies are being adopted by Jiangsu Sailboat for its new sulfuric acid regeneration plant. We look forward to working together with Jiangsu Sailboat to deliver a successful project."

Kazatomprom Faces Delay In Production At Sulphuric Acid Plant

May 3, 2024 - Kazatomprom has announced a delay in the commencement of production at the TQZ LLP facility, which is intended to produce the sulphuric acid necessary for uranium production, pushing the timeline from 2026 to 2027. This delay is attributed to restructuring procedures and approval delays for project design documentation. “Considering the restructuring procedures, as well as delays in the timing of approval of project design documentation, the Company expects the completion of the construction and the start of production at the TQZ LLP to be postponed from 2026 to 2027,” the company said in its Q1 2024 operations update.

Mosaic sells Saudi JV stake to Ma’aden in $1.5 billion deal

April 30, 2024 - US fertilizer company Mosaic is selling its 25% stake in an $8 billion Saudi Arabian phosphate production joint venture to the country’s flagship miner Ma’aden, in a stock deal worth about $1.5 billion.    Ma’aden, which already holds 60% of Ma’aden Wa’ad Al Shamal Phosphate Co. (MWSPC), will issue about 111 million shares to buy Mosaic’s stake in the venture, a partnership that also includes Saudi Basic Industries Corp, with a 15% interest.  Mosaic had warned in February that a significant portion of the revenue generated from the asset was used to decrease debt, and that investing in the venture was not one of the company’s top priorities.  The MWSPC has a phosphate mine, beneficiation facilities, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid facilities, power plants, and downstream business units. It has an annual production capacity of about 3 million tonnes of phosphate fertilizers products.  Mosaic and Ma’aden have worked together for over a decade. According to the US fertilizer producer’s president and chief executive, Bruce Bodine, the two will continue to work together under the evolved structure.  “This is an important evolution that we believe will create significant benefits for the growth of our phosphate business,” Bob Wilt, CEO of Ma’aden, added. “We look forward to working together with the Mosaic team to strengthen our phosphate business as we continue to build the mining sector into the third pillar of the Saudi economy.”  The deal is expected to close by the end of this year. As part of the agreement, Mosaic is required to hold its Ma’aden shares for a minimum of three years, with one-third of the shares becoming transferable after the third, fourth and fifth anniversary of the closing.

Coromandel commences activity to set up its 1000 crore plus PA & SA plants at Kakinada

April 26, 2024 - Coromandel International has commenced the project activity to set up its Phosphoric Acid-Sulphuric Acid complex facility at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.  In an event organised on 26 April 2024, Company’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Arun Alagappan, was present for the ceremony and Mr. S. Sankarasubramanian, Executive Director, Nutrient Business signed the key contracts with global technology partners. With an estimated outlay of Rs 1000 crores, the project is expected to be commissioned in two years’ time.  The proposed 650 tpd Phosphoric Acid facility is designed with advanced DA-HF (dihydrate attack-hemihydrate filtration) process technology and automated DCS system. This will enhance Company’s backward integration capacities and provide stable supplies of phosphoric acid for its fertilizer manufacturing by replacing more than 50% of Kakinada plant’s imported acid requirement. The Company also plans to set up an 1800 tpd sulphuric acid plant to meet the captive needs in phosphoric acid manufacturing besides augmenting power from the waste heat generation. Phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid are used as key intermediates for manufacturing phosphatic fertilizers like DAP and NPKs.  Currently, company’s fertilizer plants at Visakhapatnam and Ennore are fully integrated with captive sulphuric and phosphoric acid facilities and the proposed expansion plan at Kakinada will make this unit also an integrated complex. With a capacity of around 2 million t, Coromandel’s Kakinada plant is the India’s second largest phosphatic fertilizer facility and contributes close to 15% of nation’s NPK fertilizer output. The plant facility also acts as a habitat for countless diverse species of birds, while greatly contributing to biodiversity and conservation of the ecosystem.  Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Arun Alagappan, Executive Chairman, Coromandel International Limited stated, “This investment signifies a pivotal moment in Coromandel’s journey towards strengthening its self-sufficiency goals in fertiliser manufacturing. Over the past few years, we have been building our upstream supply chain with investments in mining project and creating intermediate products’ capacity at Visakhapatnam for Phosphoric and Sulphuric acid. The proposed Plant in Kakinada will be built on par with the best technology standards globally and enable stable supplies of phosphatic fertilizers to the farming community. This is in line with Government’s vision of “Atma Nirbhar” Bharat in fertiliser sector besides creating employment opportunities in the state of Andhra Pradesh.”  The company is also exploring investment support from the State and Central Governments, which can improve the project viability and ensure supply security for key raw materials used in fertilizer manufacturing.  During the event, Coromandel signed contracts with technology partners M/s Prayon, Belgium for DA- HF process technology for phosphoric acid manufacturing and with M/s MECS, USA for DCDA process technology for sulphuric acid manufacturing. The Company also signed a contract with M/s thyssenkrupp UHDE for detailed engineering of both phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid projects.  Speaking at the event, Mr. Thierry Marin, Vice President – Sales, MECS EMEA & India said, “We will work in close partnership with Coromandel to provide the world-class sulfuric acid technology and meet guaranteed performance and emissions control for meeting stringent environmental standards and production objectives.”  Mr Rajesh Kamath, CEO & MD, thyssenkrupp UHDE said, “We are grateful to Coromandel International for the trust they have reposed in our capabilities once again. The integrated project is a new benchmark for both organisations and presents an exciting challenge for us at thyssenkrupp Uhde India.”


Metso and Almalyk MMC sign frame agreement for major copper smelter delivery in Uzbekistan


April 2, 2024 - Metso and JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical company (Almalyk MMC) have signed a frame agreement on significant process technology deliveries for Almalyk MMC’s new copper smelter investment in Uzbekistan.  The companies have collaborated on the development of minerals processing and metallurgical operations since 2011.  Equipment package contracts under the framework agreement will be booked once they have been signed and become effective. Metso currently estimates that the majority of those contracts will be signed this year.  The frame agreement is a continuation of Metso’s and Almalyk MMC’s contract signed at the end of 2022 for the design and basic engineering work for the copper smelter.  The planned production capacity of the new copper smelter, which will be integrated with the company’s existing operations in Almalyk, is 300,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and 1.8 million tonnes of sulphuric acid.  ”We are very pleased to be selected as the strategic partner for Almalyk MMC’s smelter project,” says Piia Karhu, president of Metso’s metals business area. ”Metso will provide Almalyk MMC with the most advanced sustainable Planet Positive technology for their copper refining processes.”

Chinese group buys Tsumeb smelter for N$931m from Dundee

March 7, 2024 - Dundee Precious Metals sold the Tsumeb Smelter to Sinomine Resources Group’s subsidiary for US$49 million.  The company announced Thursday that it had sold the smelter, including all associated assets and liabilities, by disposing of all the issued and outstanding shares it indirectly holds in Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb Holding.  Sinomine Resources Group is a Chinese company founded in 1999 and has developed into a global mining group with a comprehensive resource industrial chain.  The company’s main business and operation cover four segments: EV-lithium material development and utilization, rare & light mineral (caesium & rubidium) development and application, geo-tech services & mining property development.  Sinomine’s business covers more than 40 countries worldwide, including Canada, the US, the UK, Norway, Zambia, Congo (DRC), Zimbabwe, Uganda, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, America, and Oceania.  Dundee Precious Metals will transfer all assets and liabilities associated with the Tsumeb smelter to Sinomine debt-free and cash-free, subject to normal working capital adjustments. Dundee has also made limited representations and warranties and provided certain indemnities to Sinomine customary with transactions of this nature, subject to a liability cap equal to 50% of the purchase price. The cash received by Dundee Precious Metals on the closing of the deal will be less than a US$5 million holdback to be held in escrow for six months to secure the company’s indemnity obligations under the agreement.  In addition, Dundee Precious Metals is entitled to be paid all cash collected from IXM SA concerning a positive balance in metals exposure outstanding at Tsumeb, estimated to be approximately US$17.2 million, which will constitute an increase in the purchase price.  The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including approval under the Namibia Competition Act and approvals required from Chinese regulatory authorities for overseas investments.  It is expected to close in Q3 2024.  Dundee Precious Metals expects to use the proceeds from the transaction to strengthen its balance sheet further and support its core mining business in line with its disciplined capital allocation framework.  David Rae, Dundee Precious Metals President and CEO, said the sale of the Tsumeb smelter is consistent with their strategic objective of focusing on gold mining assets and simplifying our portfolio in the future.  “We are extremely proud of the investments that we have made to transform Tsumeb’s operational and environmental performance into a specialized custom smelter with a highly skilled workforce,” Rae said.  He thanked Namibia’s government, the Tsumeb community and our employees for their support over the past 13 years.  “We will work closely with Sinomine to ensure a smooth transition to support a successful future for the operation and its stakeholders,” Rae said.  Dundee Precios Metals acquired the smelter in 2010 to secure a processing outlet for the complex concentrate produced by the Company’s Chelopech mine in Bulgaria.  With developments in the global smelting market and changes in the quality of the Chelopech concentrate, Dundee Precious Metals can place its Chelopech concentrate at several other third-party facilities, providing secure and reliable processing alternatives at favourable terms.  Cutfield Freeman & Co. Ltd. acted as DPM’s financial adviser in the transaction.

Alleima launches new super-duplex tube for acids

March 4, 2024 - Alleima, a global manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys, has introduced new advanced super-duplex tube tailored for acids.  SAF 3006 is a high-alloy duplex stainless steel tailored to enhance corrosion resistance in acidic and caustic environments. The new alloy, an upgrade to traditional super-duplex stainless steels, adds to the company’s growing duplex portfolio. The main application is heat exchangers in the chemical and petrochemicals industries.  “We’re thrilled to welcome this new super duplex to our expanding duplex family. It provides that ‘missing duplex tool’ for customers battling acids in heat exchangers, giving them that extra edge. With the addition of SAF 3006 (UNS S83071), we strengthen our presence in duplex materials tailored for acidic corrosion, where we see strong growth potential. Applications may include caustic evaporators, acid coolers and evaporators,” says Eduardo Perea, Market & Product Manager EMEA at Alleima Tube Division. Alleima pioneered the ‘duplex revolution’ of the 1960s and 1970s, introducing a cost-efficient stainless-steel alternative to more expensive nickel alloy grades. The company continues to innovate in this area. Duplex grades, with a 50-50 austenitic-ferritic structure, offer more than twice the strength of standard stainless steels and superior corrosion resistance.  The groundbreaking SAF 2507 (UNS S32750), introduced by Alleima almost four decades ago in 1985, set the industry standard for combatting wet corrosion in a diverse range of industrial applications. Renowned for its exceptional performance in corrosive conditions, SAF 2507 offers excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride-bearing environments, as well as to pitting and crevice corrosion.  “SAF 3006 will complement SAF 2507 in dealing with corrosive conditions in heat exchanger tubing exposed to hydrochloric, sulphuric, formic or other acids. This is our super duplex tailored to resist acids,” says Perea.  “From an R&D perspective, this new super duplex reflects a sharper focus on optimizing the material for acid corrosion resistance. Previously, most of our duplexes were developed with chloride resistance as the main focus, with high PRE levels to resist pitting and crevice corrosion. Resistance to acidic conditions was less prioritized. Now, we have fine-tuned the chemical composition to resist acidic environments better. This involves a high chromium content of 30 % and a molybdenum level of 3.2 % to maintain good structural stability and balancing of the alloying elements,” says Daniel Gullberg, Manager of Product Development CRA. “SAF 3006 is an upgrade over existing duplex grades facing higher-than-desired corrosion rates and where extended equipment lifetime is wanted. You get all the benefits of traditional duplex steel in terms of strength, lighter weight and cost-efficiency, but tailored to resist acids. It can be used in acid production plants with or without seawater cooling,” says Oscar Öhlin, R&D Engineer at Alleima.  SAF 3006 will be produced in Alleima’s fully integrated value chain, from R&D to end product, with tight quality control and a strong focus on sustainable production. The tube is based on more than 80 % recycled steel and melted and produced using a high degree of fossil-free energy sources. Seamless tube and pipe in SAF 3006 will be supplied in standard heat exchanger dimensions.  “The introduction of SAF 3006 marks the ongoing evolution of the duplex revolution Alleima started decades ago – now tailored for acidic conditions in heat exchangers. We look forward to collaborating with customers to advance their needs,” concludes Tom Eriksson, Executive Vice President and Head of R&D at Alleima. 

France offers loan to New Caledonia nickel firm Prony to avert collapse


February 15, 2024 - France has agreed to provide a 140 million euro ($150 million) loan to Prony Resources to avert the collapse of the New Caledonian nickel producer as Paris pursues negotiations to salvage the Pacific territory’s loss-making nickel industry.  Prony Resources is one of three nickel processors in the French territory of New Caledonia that face insolvency as high costs and political tensions have hit profitability while rising Indonesian supply has dented international prices.  The French government has approved the loan in addition to 40 million euros in annual energy subsidies for Prony proposed in a wider package for the industry that Paris aims to sign off this month, Sonia Backes, president of New Caledonia’s southern province, said on Thursday.  “This loan will give us time to find a buyer,” Backes told local broadcaster La 1ere Nouvelle Caledonie, adding the funds should allow Prony Resources to continue operating until 2026.  Prony Resources spokesperson Adelie Garaud Ballande said negotations were still underway on the terms and conditions of the loan.  “At this stage, nothing has been signed and sealed,” she said via email. “The amount of the emergency loan to be granted by the State will give us time to make every effort to attract an investor.”  France’s finance ministry said the proposed loan was subject to an overall agreement being reached on the New Caledonian industry.  The southern province where Prony’s operations are based is one of several shareholders in the company. Commodity merchant Trafigura also has a 19% stake.  Rothschild & Co has been mandated to find a new investor for Prony, Backes said. A spokesperson for Rothschild did not immediately respond to a request for comment.  Paris had offered similar aid to Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) but its co-owner Glencore said the support was insufficient, announcing this week it was halting output at KNS’ processing plant for six months while it sought a buyer for its stake.  New Caledonia’s third nickel processor is SLN, in which French miner Eramet has a majority stake. Eramet has said it will not provide further funding to cover losses at the business.

Kazakh-Italian Roundtable Concludes with $1.5 Billion in Signed Deals

January 19, 2024 – President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addressed Italian business people at the Kazakh-Italian roundtable in Rome on Jan. 18, witnessing the signing of four strategic documents, reported the Akorda press service.  The roundtable gathered top management from nearly 30 Italian companies.  Kazakhstan’s Samruk Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund and Balestra signed an agreement defining the terms of the implementation of a project to build a sulfuric acid plant in the Suzak district in the Turkistan Region. The capacity of the plant, which will supply sulfuric acid to the companies of the Kazatomprom national company, will be 800,000 tons per year.  https://astanatimes.com

First Quantum to halt Ravensthorpe nickel mine

January 15, 2024 - First Quantum Minerals (FQM) will reduce its operating activities at Ravensthorpe Nickel Operation (RNO) with suspension of mining operations at the Shoemaker Levy ore body and bypassing the high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) circuit.   Existing ore stockpiles will continue to be processed through the Atmospheric Leach circuit providing significant mining and processing cost reductions.  This new operating model represents a three-year plan under which RNO will maintain production of nickel concentrate from ore stockpiles before recommencing mining activities at Hale Bopp and Halley’s ore bodies. The three-year plan represents the anticipated period for weaker nickel prices.  The decision results from the significant downturn in the nickel price experienced during 2023, combined with currently higher operating costs in Western Australia, and a requirement to improve the financial viability of RNO at current nickel prices.  The cessation of mining and associated processing activities at RNO will reduce the company’s directly employed workforce at the site by approximately 30%, with contractors to be redeployed by their employers.   RNO General Manager Scott Whitehead said reducing the mine’s operating activities for a sustained period was the best decision for the company, workforce and local region.  “Transitioning to a new operating model will allow us to continue to produce and export our nickel product, which is a critical mineral and has a lower carbon footprint than other suppliers.  The operational changes will ensure RNO remains viable longer term and we will retain most of our residential and FIFO workforce, thereby supporting the communities of Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe and providing income for the region and Western Australia,” Mr. Whitehead said.  “It’s important we position ourselves to respond in a timely manner to future improvements in the nickel price by being able to reactivate our mining activities at the preferred time.”  RNO will remain a significant local nickel concentrate exporter, expecting to produce on average approximately 16,000 contained tonnes per annum over the next three years. RNO produces an ESG-focused, compliant battery grade nickel which is in the lowest quartile of CO2 emissions globally and will be increasingly critical to industries and consumers in the United States and European Union as part of the transition to a decarbonized economy. 

The World-Class Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex Partners With Elessent Clean Technologies for MECS
® Sulfuric Acid Plant

January 9, 2024 - The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex (Kamoa-Kakula), a joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines, Zijin Mining Group and the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has partnered with Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent) to install a new 2,500 metric tonne per day (MTPD) smelter off-gas MECS® sulfuric acid plant. In conjunction with global EPC partner, China Nerin Engineering Co. Ltd. (NERIN), the new acid plant will be part of a new 500,000-tonnes-per-annum direct-to-blister flash copper smelter that is under construction at Kamoa-Kakula, as part of its Phase 3 expansion. Upon completion of the Phase 3 expansion, Kamoa-Kakula is projected to be the fourth largest copper operation globally. “At Kamoa-Kakula we aim to set a new industry standard by being the greenest major copper mine in the world. It helps that DRC not only has an incredible mineral endowment, but also has an abundance of clean hydroelectricity to power its mining industry. However, we also need the right technology to extract the copper in a sustainable way. By using the MECS® acid plant design and its incorporated technologies, our new plant helps achieve our path to net zero,” said David Mitchell, Kamoa-Kakula’s Senior Project Manager for the smelter project.  The MECS® sulfuric acid process incorporates state-of-the-art technologies, such as the MECS® pre-conversion technology and the MECS® DynaWave® gas cleaning technology. DynaWave® scrubbers, the gold standard in gas cleaning applications, clean and condition the upstream off gas of the smelting furnace at the sulfuric acid plant. The MECS® pre-conversion technology is a novel approach for processing off-gas streams with elevated sulfur-dioxide concentrations while consuming significantly less power.  “Kamoa-Kakula is one of the world’s fastest-growing major copper operations. Partnering with NERIN on the mine’s greenfield smelter complex is very exciting. It is a great honor to work with the owners of what is anticipated to be one of the greenest major copper operations on the planet,” said Eli Ben-Shoshan, CEO, Elessent Clean Technologies.  For decades, copper has been essential in industries like civil and building construction, machinery, and power transmission. Recently, however, copper demand has seen a steady increase due to its position as a critical metal in the energy transition, which includes electric vehicle (EV) technology. In fact, copper is one of the most vital metals in the energy transition and the shift to EVs. Copper is essential throughout the entire EV value chain, including use in everything from EV manufacturing to charging stations and supporting infrastructure. Because of the metal’s high durability, high conductivity, and efficiency, it has become indispensable to the industry.  The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex has been in commercial operations since July 2021. The operation is currently undergoing its Phase 3 expansion, which will increase copper production to over 600,000 tons of copper per year from Q3 2024.

CRU acquires leading fertilizer and chemical industry publications from BCInsight 

January 4, 2024 - Today, CRU, the global commodities experts, announces it has acquired a portfolio of leading fertilizer and chemical industry publications from BCInsight.  The strategic acquisition will reunite the Fertilizer International, Nitrogen+Syngas and Sulphur publications, with their sister conferences owned by CRU.  These will be combined as part of CRU’s new Communities business unit which will seek to strengthen engagement and facilitate knowledge-sharing and networking across the fertilizer and wider chemicals industries.  Nicola Coslett, CEO of CRU Communities at CRU said, “I am delighted to bring these publications back into the CRU family and to welcome Lisa and her team to CRU.  This acquisition aligns perfectly with our mission to provide comprehensive and valuable resources to the global fertilizer community. We have worked as partners for many years, and I am confident that, together, we will create an even more vibrant and dynamic community that fosters innovation and collaboration opportunities to our clients who are at the centre of our fertilizer and chemicals communities.”  Chris Lawson Head of Fertilizers at CRU, said “Expanding technical expertise alongside our unrivalled team of dedicated and highly experienced analysts will enhance CRU’s ability to deliver even more comprehensive and insightful information to our clients. With so many new entrants into the ammonia, phosphate and fertilizer industries, the need for technical knowledge and insights has never been more important.”  Lisa Connock, Director and Technical Editor at BCInsight, concluded, “After working closely with Nicola and CRU for so many years, it was clear CRU Communities would be a great home for our publications.  CRU’s fertilizer and related conferences have long been recognised as premier events in the sector, attracting industry leaders, experts, and key stakeholders from around the world. I am incredibly proud of the community we have built, and I look forward to serving our customers with an even stronger offering as we embark on a new phase of growth together.”  The magazines will continue to operate under their existing names, maintaining the commitment to delivering high-quality technical content and meaningful market insights to readers. The acquisition will allow the magazines to leverage CRU’s extensive data and thought leadership to further enhance reach and influence, across the whole fertilizer industry.

New burners to fuel India’s sulphur demand 

January 4, 2024 - India's consumption of sulphur is expected to rise in 2024, supported by new sulphur burners that will reduce the country's reliance on imports of sulphuric acid.  New sulphur burning capacity on the east coast of India is expected to lift the country's sulphur demand, with fertilizer producer Coromandel's Visakhapatnam (Vizag) burner already operational since 25 September 2023. Fertilizer producer Iffco's sulphur burner at Paradip is also expected to come on line in the first quarter of 2024. The two burners will add 400,000 t/yr of sulphur demand and produce 1.2mn t/yr of sulphuric acid when fully operational, according to Argus calculations.  Rising sulphur demand is displacing some sulphuric acid imports. India's imports of sulphur during January-September 2023 rose by 10pc from a year earlier to 1.15mn t, GTT data show, with the bulk coming from the UAE. A total of 106,800t arrived from Russia, an all-time high for India. But sulphuric acid imports during the same period fell by 3pc with fewer arrivals from China and the Philippines. Deliveries from China fell by 67pc to 127,400t, while imports from the Philippines slipped by 28pc to 109,700t.  Supply choices are ample for sulphur buyers in India, as most consumers are also able to import from non-mainstream Middle East destinations that produce relatively lower priced crushed lump sulphur compared with their granular counterparts. High domestic availability, on the back of elevated operating rates across most Indian refineries for most of 2023, may also cater to some of the new sulphur demand.  Firm demand for transportation fuels lifted crude throughput levels at refiners during April-June 2023 with strong economic growth and a late start to monsoon rains. Crude throughput at state-controlled refiner Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL) rose to a record high of 435,000 b/d during the period, up by 12pc from 387,000 b/d a year earlier after its refineries operated at 106pc of capacity. Crude throughput from fellow state-controlled refiner IOC was 1.45mn b/d during April-October 2023, exceeding its initial target of 1.42mn b/d.  Planned refinery capacity expansions from 2024 will also result in more domestic production of sulphur. HPCL is planning to expand the capacity of its Vizag refinery from 166,000 b/d to 270,000 b/d.  Argus forecasts India's total sulphur demand to rise to 3.5mn t in 2024, up by 9pc from 3.2mn t in 2023. While domestic refineries are likely to cater to this new demand, prices of sulphur relative to sulphuric acid and fertilizer prices will remain a key deciding factor for demand in 2024.  www.argusmedia.com