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- Troubleshooting
January 18, 2003
Introduction Moisture in SO2 Gas or Air Poor drying Moist air leakage Poor acid distribution Insufficient acid circulation Channelling in tower Splash or spray from distributor Failure or plugging of entrainment separators Flooding of tower Mist Formed at Absorber Inlet Cooling in SO3 cooler or economizer too great, too fast or localized Absorber Tower Operating Conditions Acid temperature too high or too low Acid strength too high or too low Insufficient acid flow Oleum Tower Operation Mixing of hot bypass gas and cold exit gas Sulphur Burning Plants Steam or water leaks Oxides of nitrogen in gas Sulphur quality Metallurgical Plants Mist leaving ESP's Niter in the gas |
The appearance of an acid plant stack is an indication to the general public of how well a plant is being operated. The expectation is that the stack should be clear without any visible emissions. Anything being emitted from a stack automatically, rightly or wrongly, gives the perception that a pollutant is being emitted to the environment.
Therefore, the appearance of the acid plant stack is one of the key factors in maintaining good public relations. The following is a general guide to troubleshooting stack problems. As you can see, the cause of a poor stack may be some problem in the operation of the plant well upstream in the process.
Poor drying
poor drying caused by a number of problems (ie. low acid flow, acid
temperature, acid concentration, etc.) can result in water in the gas leaving
the drying tower.
measure moisture content in gas check operation of dry tower.
Moist air leakage
moist air can be drawn into the system when the blower is located downstream
of The dry tower (ie. 'sucker' arrangement).
air leaks at the base of the stack can lead to poor stack appearance.
Poor acid distribution
poor acid distribution caused by dirty distributor tubes or troughs,
improperly levelled troughs, plugged orifices, etc. will result in poor drying
tower performance.
Insufficient acid circulation
low acid flows can result in poor dry tower performance.
check acid flows, pump performance, temperature rise across the tower.
Channelling in tower
sulphate formation and collection in the packing can cause acid and gas
channelling. High pressure drops across the tower as well as visual
inspection are indicators of this problem. Washing the tower may be
necessary to clear tower.
Splash or spray from distributor
check operation of distributor (trough or pipe) and eliminate source of
splashing or spraying.
Failure or plugging of entrainment separators
stick test in the duct leaving the dry tower will indicate if there is
excessive spray from the dry tower. A 2 minute stick test should be
clean and dry.
inspection of the mesh pad or candles will determine if the is pluggage, gas
bypassing, damage to the fibre beds, etc. Replacement of the elements
may be necessary.
Flooding of tower
flooding in the body of the packing or at the distributor level will cause
problems with the operation of the tower. High pressure drops across the
tower as well as visual inspection are indicators of this problem.
Cooling in SO3 cooler or economizer too great, too
fast or localized
typically, a gas temperature of 232°C to 246°C (450°F to 475°F) entering the
tower is considered to be the recommended maximum, above which problems are
likely to occur.
sudden shock cooling of the SO3 entering the
absorber can result in generation of enormous amounts of mist. This
becomes drastically more pronounced as the difference between gas and acid
temperatures at the bottom of the tower is increased.
the appearance of drip acid in the economizer or SO3
cooler is a sign of cooling the gas below its dew point.
cooling of the duct going to the absorber tower may be the cause of a poor
stack. If the appearance of the stack is worse during rainstorms or
sudden changes in temperature and wind velocity then top shielding of the duct
or insulation of the duct may be required.
Absorber Tower Operating Conditions
Acid temperature too high or too low
low acid temperatures has more of an effect on stack appearance then high acid
acid inlet temperatures can range from 50°C to 90°C. The optimum
temperature must be found by operating experience.
changing acid temperatures in a deliberate and controlled manner can be done
to try to improve the stack appearance. Sufficient time must be allowed
for the system to settle out before the next change.
Acid strength too high or too low
the optimum acid concentration must be found by operating experience.
changing acid concentrations in a deliberate and controlled manner can be done
to try to improve the stack appearance. Sufficient time must be allowed
for the system to settle out before the next change.
low acid flows can result in poor drying and absorption leading poor stack
Packing settled
overtime packing in a tower may shift and settle resulting in channelling of
gas and acid which will lead to poor tower performance. This is
generally one the last things to check once all other possible causes have
been eliminated.
Mixing of hot bypass gas and cold exit gas
mixing of the cold gas leaving an oleum tower and the hot gas bypassing the
tower will result in the formation of submicron particles which may overload
mist eliminators in the absorber tower.
avoid bypasses whenever possible.
tight shutoff dampers are required on bypasses. Blanking the bypass
temporarily will help to determine if this is the cause of the poor stack.
in a sidestream oleum tower application a mixed gas temperature of
approximately 150 to 160°C going to the absorber tower usually results
in a better stack appearance.
Steam or water leaks
steam or water may enter the sulphur system from a number of different
locations: sulphur line, sulphur gun, boiler, superheaters, economizers, etc.
shutting off steam to sulphur lines or sulphur gun will clear the stack
rapidly if the cause is a steam leak but care should be taken to avoid
solidifying sulphur in the lines.
steam equipment leaks are evident from and increase in drainings from SO3
coolers or economizers or decrease in strong acid dilution water
hydrostatic test on steam equipment may be required to locate leaks.
Oxides of nitrogen in gas
high sulphur furnace operating temperatures results in the formation of oxides
of nitrogen.
oxides of nitrogen will form sulphuric acid mist in the equipment between the
converter and the absorbing tower.
If drainings from SO3 coolers or economizers are
diluted and brown fumes are produced, than there is a considerable amount of
niter present.
reducing furnace operating temperature (ie. reducing gas strength) or reducing
air preheat will help to reduce the amount of oxides of nitrogen produced.
localized hot spots in the furnace may also be a source of oxides of nitrogen.
Improving the sulphur spray distribution or burning pattern will help.
Sulphur quality
Contaminants in sulphur such as acidity, hydrocarbons and nitrogen compounds
may be the cause of a poor stack. Analysis of the sulphur is required.
hydrocarbons may be reduced by filtering the acid.
acidity in the sulphur can be reduced by neutralizing with lime but subsequent filtration of the sulphur is required.
Mist leaving ESP's
gas leaving the ESP's should be optically clear
Niter in the gas
arcing in the ESP's forms ozone and oxides of nitrogen.
arcing may be caused by broken or dirty wires. Increasing the wash time
and frequency may help.